Zen in Voorburg

Everyday zen


The schedule:Each Monday evening from 7.30pm: one period of Zazen ('sitting').Each Tuesday evening from 8.00pm: two periods Zazen, kinhin (walking meditation), opportunity for dharmatalk.Each Monday and Wednesday from 7.30am to 8.00 am: Zazen, opportunity for interview.


For participation in person or via the Zoom platform, please send an e-mail or use the form.


We are part of the Zen Heart Sangha in The Hague.


Den Burghstraat 24
Voorburg, The Netherlands
For participation in person or via the Zoom platform, please send an e-mail or use the form.


La méditation Zen est un acte de liberté. Qui que vous soyez, où que vous soyez, cela constitue un plongeon radical au cœur de la vie.Zen meditation is an act of freedom. Whoever and wherever you are, it constitutes a radical plunge into the heart and art of life.(Amy Hollowell Roshi)

Zazen is, fundamentally, sitting with the basic feeling of being alive.Zazen is basic Zen meditation. It is radically simple and easy to do. You can practice it whether you are a Zen practitioner, a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a secular humanist, or none of the above. No matter what you believe or think, this simple practice of sitting down in silence and feeling the present moment will have a powerful impact on your life.(Norman Fischer)


Zen Centrum Voorburg was established by Bart van Lent. He practices zen since 2006, and was named assistant Zen teacher in May 2021.

*Raised in a protestant family, I have been seeking for quite a number of years. After being confirmed in 2006 in the Kloosterkerk, still there was an itch: how to put flesh on the bones of these vows. *

*At that point, I encountered zen practice. After being educated in just sitting (shikantaza) by Kees van de Bunt (Kanzeon Sangha), I have continued this practice as a student of Michel Oltheten. In 2015 I received the precepts (Jukai). *

For me this practice is all about deepening and realizing these precepts; as practicable as can be, both feet on the ground, starting each day again.

Introduction to Zen

As a beginner you are most welcome to an introduction to Zen. We can make this happen in a small group or in a one-on-one, via Zoom or in our house.In about one hour we will be sitting for a short period and spend the rest of the time to deal with questions that come up. These might concern the sitting, ritual, tradition, walking meditation, practice in our daily life, or anything else.

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